A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Feb. 5, 2015:


CANFIELD, Ohio — The Rock Solid Riders 4-H club elected new officers for 2015 at its first meeting of the year.

The new officers are: president, Alexis Morozov; vice president, Mikayla Hanley; secretary, Caitlin Morozov; and treasurer, Natalie Bair.  Also appointed were club photographers Shae and Jake Hanley; safety officers Corey Hanley, Taylor Casanta, and Dylan Casanta; and news reporter Casanta Caitlin Cappelli.

The group will start its first community project of the year, creating cards and placemats to be delivered to Hospice patients on Valentine’s Day, at its next meeting Feb. 10.

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HARRISBURG, Pa. — Mercer County 4-H members did well at the 2015 Pennsylvania Farm Show.

Marigrace Garvis of Grove City took first place in the rabbit youth novice showmanship competition.

Other Mercer County 4-H Youth participating this year and their results are as follows: Blair Steele, first in the Hampshire-Suffolk, Shropshire-Southdown Ewe Fleece (Wool) class, and her sister, Lauren Steele, second in the same class.

Chance Rains took third in the Open Angus, Junior Heifer Calves class, fourth in the Open Angus Junior Heifer Calves class and fourth in the Open Angus Junior Bull Calves, calved March.

In the Family Living Department, Maggie Garvis, Grove City, was awarded first for her Star Spangled Foods poster, second place for her Veterinary Science Unit 1 book, and second place for her Outdoor Adventures-Camping Adventures entry.

Maggie’s sister, Marigrace Garvis, also of Grove City, received second for her knits, and third for One Completed Drawing, ready for hanging.

Bailey Kasbee, Stoneboro, won the class for light weight crossbred swine, was awarded Reserve Grand Champion Light Weight Crossbred and won the Master Showmanship Award.

Carson Ligo, Fredonia, took second in the Yorkshire Barrow class. Carlin Ligo, also of Fredonia, placed fifth in the Crossbred class. All three youth met the qualifications to participate in the youth livestock sale.

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CECIL, Pa. — Cecil 4-H will be completing its 2015 registration process and selecting projects for the year at its next meeting, 10 a.m. Feb. 7 at the Cecil Fire Department. Project areas include cooking, woodworking, and market lamb or pig.


For more information, call Pam Paletta, Washington County 4-H extension agent, at 724-228-6881 or plp3@psu.edu.

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