High school students invited to shadow ODNR

Zane Trace stream testing

COLUMBUS — High school juniors and seniors have the opportunity to explore different career opportunities in wildlife, parks, conservation and so much more through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources job shadow program.

There are a wide variety of career paths available at ODNR that people may not be aware of. The job shadow program will shed light on those opportunities by pairing high school juniors and seniors with ODNR staff allowing students to spend the day on the job and learn what a typical day is like.

They will gain an understanding of role requirements and job tasks. Students will be able to choose the division they’d like to learn about including law enforcement, engineering, forestry, and more.

The first job shadow day will be held Nov. 17. Students can apply from through Oct. 31 on the ODNR Job Shadow webpage at ohiodnr.gov/buy-and-apply/support-odnr/jobs/job-shadow-odnr. ODNR plans to host two job shadow days per year. Dates for the 2024 job shadow days have not yet been announced.