Job opportunity: Full-time reporter

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Reporter / December 2018

Farm and Dairy is looking to add a full-time reporter to its award-winning staff. We want a candidate with a background in agriculture, a foundation of solid journalism skills, and passion to engage with both print and online communities. Bring us your enthusiasm and new ideas — Farm and Dairy straddles the print and digital worlds and want to continue to be the source for current farm information, no matter where someone finds us.

Qualified applicants must possess the following:

  • Reporting and interviewing and smart writing chops paired with a flair for narrative storytelling and a dedication to accuracy. Knowledge of AP Style.
  • Ability to shoot and edit video to accompany stories, or craft online video stories for social media. Familiarity with Apple platforms preferred.
  • An ability to identify and execute unique, high-quality story ideas — with little to no handholding.
  • Flexibility. Be able to jump from writing about the county fair to writing about water quality legislation, then upload content to the website, and create an Instagram story about an upcoming feature  — all in the same day.
  • Knowledge/use of social media products for news gathering/crowdsourcing purposes.
  • Ability to work under pressure and multi-task in a fast-paced work environment.
  • We’ll like you even more if you can take a good picture or know your way around a spreadsheet and how to find a story in the data or create something visual.
  • Ability to communicate effectively — and build relationships and trust — with all contacts/sources and co-workers.
  • Willingness to collaborate and communicate effectively with others while maintaining a positive, helpful attitude. Applicant must be a team player in a small newsroom where employees wear a lot of hats.
  • Excellent English spelling, grammar and punctuation skills. (This one’s a deal-breaker, folks.)
  • Awareness of and adherence to journalistic ethics. You’re a journalist, not a cheerleader.

Evening and weekend hours aren’t the norm, but they’re also not unheard of.

Interested applicants should send us a résumé, the best cover letter ever written, links/PDFs to at least three pieces, and four story ideas. Email everything to No phone calls, please. Farm and Dairy offers competitive wages, 401(k), and medical benefits.

Deadline for applications: Monday, Dec. 17, 2018. EEOE

Farm and Dairy
P.O. Box 38
Salem, OH 44460