Ohio counties receive awards for Farm Bureau programs

Manure agitation
Manure agitation demonstration at an educational event.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The American Farm Bureau Federation County Activities of Excellence awards celebrate unique, local, volunteer-driven programs that serve as models of innovation for local program development.

The winning counties, including 12 from Ohio, receive a grant to fund participation in the Farm Bureau CAE Showcase at the 2025 American Farm Bureau Annual Convention & Trade Show from Jan. 24-29, in San Antonio, Texas.

AFBF received nearly 200 entries across all membership categories, with only 24 activities nationwide being selected to present at the convention.

Ohio winners included Ashtabula, Lake, Geauga and Trumbull Counties for the “Cultivating Strong Futures Conference,” which offered workshops on alternative energy, nutrient management, and farm efficiency, providing valuable resources like free soil tests and recorded sessions.

Crawford, Marion, Morrow, and Richland Counties were recognized for a Manure Pit Safety and Rescue Training featuring a nationally recognized simulator, with over 150 first responders and farmers receiving education in manure pit rescue techniques.

In Franklin County, there was “Taste the Future,” a sold-out farm-to-table dinner at Ohio State University that showcased local agriculture and raised funds for Farm Bureau scholarships.

Hardin County’s “Membership Mashup” combined three events into one, featuring updates on the power grid, policy discussions and membership benefits.

“Harvest for Hunger,” a Holmes County fundraiser for local food pantries, raised over $18,000 to support families in need.

Pike County’s “Ag Career Connections” program introduced over 900 participants to career opportunities in agriculture complete with detailed job descriptions and possible educational paths. Learn more at ohiofarmbureau.org.