COLUMBUS – The Ohio Sheep Day returns July 17 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., hosted by Bunker Hill Farm, the American Sheep Industry Association’s national winner for Environmental Stewardship.
Bunker Hill Farm, owned and operated by Bill, Susan and Joe Shultz, is located at 3378 county Road 21, DeGraff, Ohio.
The only cost for the day is $5 for lunch.
Bunker Hill Farm has been on the forefront of environmental efforts for several years, including pasture improvement, wetland development, tree planting, and streambed protection.
Dr. David Notter, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, will present a keynote address dealing with options for genetic evaluation and improvement in purebred flock using systems such as the National Sheep Improvement Program.
Simple programs for replacement ewe selection in commercial flocks and research to utilize hair sheep genetic resources to develop parasite-resistant, “easy-care” sheep types will also be discussed.
Sessions. Breakout sessions in the morning and afternoon will include: breeding programs for market lambs, pasture management and grazing turnips demonstration, ultrasound technology, and conservation programs for sheep producers.
Sessions also include: basic sheep flock management, health maintenance, and developing parasite resilient sheep.
Composting certification. A special livestock mortality composting certification session will be held from 1:30-3:30 p.m. for producers wanting to be certified in composting.
Livestock composting is one of the few legal ways to dispose of deceased animals on a livestock farm. In order for a livestock producer to legally compost their animals, he must attend an OSU Extension composting certification program and receive a certificate following attendance and completion of the session.
What’s covered. During the composting program, participants will learn the specifics of livestock composting, how to compost, the materials that can legally be used to compost livestock, and the legal methods of disposing of the compost pile when it is completed.
Livestock species that can legally compost include: poultry, swine, sheep, beef and dairy cattle, and equine animals.
Commercial exhibits. Besides a full program, several sheep related businesses will participate with display booths and exhibits.
For information regarding the Ohio Sheep Day activities, contact Roger A. High at 614-292-0589 or by e-mail at
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