Ohio Soybean Council hosting virtual ride-alongs

delayed planting, corn,
(Farm and Dairy file photo)

WORTHINGTON, Ohio — The Ohio Soybean Council and GrowNextGen are offering two virtual field trips — one for elementary students and one for middle/high school students — to ride along live with a farmer during soybean planting this May.

In addition to being hosted through Zoom for those in the classroom, the trips will both be live-streamed via YouTube for any remote learners.

The elementary virtual field trip will be at 1 p.m. May 17. This 30-minute trip will connect grades K-5 directly with northwest Ohio soybean farmer Andy Stickel for a live ride-along in a tractor as he plants soybeans. Students will get a live tour of a soybean field, learn how a planter works, see technology involved with soybean farming, learn about seed germination and growth and discover the uses and benefits of Ohio soybeans. The first 50 teachers who register will receive a copy of the book Pod to Plate.

The middle/high school virtual field trip is scheduled for 1 p.m. May 13. This 45-minute trip will connect grades 6-12 directly with Ohio soybean farmer Patrick Knouff for a live ride-along in a tractor as he plants soybeans. 

Students will get a live tour of an Ohio soybean field; see the latest technology and hear how engineering design improves equipment; learn how science improves yields; find out how farm ecosystems work, including how soil health, weather/water cycles and inputs contribute to yields; and discover the uses and benefits of Ohio soybeans. Register at grownextgen.org/events.