Ohio’s Utica shale production continues upward trend in 2015

deep well Marcellus shale rig

COLUMBUS —  Belmont County is not only leading the state for the highest number of permits issues for the past several months, but the county is also leading in production.

Of the top five Utica shale gas producing wells, all of them are in Belmont County. However, none of the five best oil producing wells are in Belmont County. Two of the top five oil producing wells are in Guernsey and two in Harrison counties. One is located in Carroll County.

4th quarter 2015: Utica shale gas well production

Well Name County Driller Gas Produced Days
Mohawk Warrior 12H Belmont Rice Drilling D LLC 1,626,593 mcf 92
Krazy Train 4H Belmont Rice Drilling D LLC 1,423,618 mcf 92
Smith A 1 H-12 Belmont Ascent Resources Utica LLC 1,423,046 mcf 92
Eureka SMT BL 6 HA Belmont Ascent Resources Utica LLC 1,402,107 mcf 92

During the fourth quarter of 2015, Ohio’s horizontal shale wells produced 6,249,116 barrels of oil and 302,505,428 Mcf (303 billion cubic feet) of natural gas, according to figures released March 9 by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

The production totals for the fourth quarter of 2015 increased over the third quarter of 2015 as oil increased by 10 percent while gas increased by almost 25 percent. Quarterly production in 2015 also shows a fourth quarter horizontal shale well production increase of more than 75 percent for oil and 80 percent for gas from 2014’s fourth quarter totals.

The gas production in Ohio showed a huge increase from year 2014 to year 2015. According to the ODNR, the Utica shale wells produced 452,866,564 Mcf of gas in 2014. In 2015, the wells produced 953,863,990 Mcf which means an increase of over 110 percent.

4th quarter 2015: Utica shale oil well production

Well Name County Driller Oil Produced Days
Red Hill Farm MDS GR 3H Guernsey Ascent Resources Utica 59,502 92
RH BSA S NTG HR 4H Harrison Ascent Resources Utica 45,951 92
Sauers 8-14-6 8H Carroll Chesapeake Exploration 45,917 92
Caston Land GR 4H Guernsey Ascent Resources Utica 34,836 92
R Alan 3-13-6 1H Harrison Chesapeake Exploration 34,491 92

According to the ODNR, the wells in the Utica shale produced 21,983,959 barrels of oil in 2015. In 2014, the Utica shale produced 10,9999,162 barrels of oil. That means there was a 99 percent increase in the barrels of oil produced. The ODNR quarterly report lists 1,265 wells, 1,230 of which reported production. Thirty-five wells reported no production.

Of the 1,230 wells reporting production results:

• The average amount of oil produced was 5,081 barrels of oil.

• The average amount of gas produced was 245,939 Mcf.

All horizontal production reports can be accessed at: oilandgas.ohiodnr.gov/production.

Ohio law does not require the separate reporting of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) or condensate. Oil and gas reporting totals listed on the report include NGLs and condensate. ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR website at ohiodnr.gov.