Siting board schedules hearing for March 14 on solar farm

solar farms

COLUMBUS — The Ohio Power Siting Board will hold a hearing for the public to express their views about Hardin Solar Energy II LLC’s proposal to construct the second phase of a solar-powered electric generation facility in Hardin County.

The local public hearing is scheduled for March 14, at 6 p.m., at Kenton High School cafeteria, 200 Harding Ave., Kenton. The proposed project would consist of multiple arrays of solar photovoltaic panels with a combined generating capacity of up to 170 megawatts (MW).


The proposed facility would be located on approximately 3,297 acres of leased land in Marion, McDonald and Roundhead townships. Hardin Solar Energy II, an affiliate of Invenergy Solar Development North America LLC, proposes to interconnect the facility to the electric transmission grid via the 345 kilovolt Hardin Switch substation, which is located within the project area.

The proposed solar facility would be the second phase of the overall Hardin Solar Energy Center. The first 150 MW phase of the project was approved by the OPSB on Feb. 15, 2018, and awaits construction.

The adjudicatory hearing in the Hardin Solar Energy II proceeding will begin at 10 a.m. March 28, at the offices of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Hearing Room 11-D, 180 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215.

The purpose of the adjudicatory hearing is to allow formal parties to the case to present pre-filed testimony and evidence, and to cross-examine other parties’ witnesses. Additional information regarding the Hardin Solar Energy II project is available on the OPSB website at in case number 18-1360-EL-BGN.