Stark fair rallies to support Harvey victims

Texas hog
Multiple buyers supported the donated hog destined for Texas hurricane relief, paying $10 a pound and adding thousands more afterward.

Update: Stark fair also sells a steer to benefit Texans. Raising additional $11,000

CANTON — The devastating storm that hit Texas last week was on the minds of Stark County 4-H and FFA exhibitors at this year’s fair.

On Sept. 2, the final day of livestock auctions at the Stark County Fair, some buyers and exhibitors decided to sell a hog and steer to benefit 4-H members and programs that are suffering from Hurricane Harvey.

The storm has claimed about 50 lives and caused billions of dollars in damages. The after-effect could be felt across the Stark County Fair, as temperatures were kept well below normal for the week, with rain on Saturday.

Dale Klick, fair board president, donated the hog for sale. His family prepared about 19 different hogs for the fair — shown by his three daughters and two nieces — and they decided they could help the Texas 4-H members with a donation.

And in the evening, Dean Pugh and Bobby Butzer, the junior fair cattle broker, donated a steer that raised $11,290 for the American Veterinary Medical Association’s fund for Texas relief.

“This entire thing kind of started with the junior 4-H kids,” Klick said. “It was their idea and then it kind of took on a life of its own.”

The hog weighed 240 pounds and sold for $10 a pound, with $3,800 additional money donated after the gavel fell. The total was being added to throughout the day.

The money is being sent to the Texas 4-H Relief Support Campaign, which will help 4-H programs affected by the hurricane. The meat itself will be donated to the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank.

The fair is also collecting canned food for the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank, for a shipment to Texas. The fair will accept cans of food at all gates until the end of the fair Sept. 4.

“We are putting out the call to our community and our Fair friends to help us fill a semi-truck with food,” said Klick. “Donations can be dropped off at the gate as you are coming to the Fair or the public can simply drive up the gates to drop off cans of food.”

Other efforts

Outside of the Stark County Fair, other groups are also sending help.

The Hendren Farm Market in Licking County reports on its Facebook page that it is teaming with Tri-H Trucking of Johnstown, to send two semi trucks with items for the flood victims in Houston.

Trucks will be parked at Hendren Farm Market located at 14595 Johnstown Utica Road,
Johnstown, On Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Large boxes are needed to package the items. The companies ask that items be new and packaged. Suggested items include water/Gatorade, formula and bottles, socks and underwear, undershirt, children’s clothes, diapers and wipes, canned foods, blankets and pet food, children’s toys, etc.

The Granville Milling Co., in Licking County, worked with customers to raise $6,000 that translated to almost 12 tons of horse, cat and dog food to send to Houston. Donations for that event closed Friday.

As Farm and Dairy learns about additional outreach efforts or collection points, we will strive to post the locations.

Learn more about the Texas 4-H Youth Development Foundation.

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