Innovation lives on at Deerfield Farm Service, Inc.


business profile DEERFIELD, Ohio — Deerfield Farm Service, Inc. co-founders Boyd and Joan Wallbrown sacrificed much in the early years to establish the ag business in Portage County.

The innovative and determined spirit of Boyd and Joan lives today as the company’s agronomy staff embraces Variable Rate Technology.

Starting with thorough soil sampling and sound agronomic consulting, they can advise a farmer about what he/she needs to put on their field to make them more profitable.

Using GPS and VRT enabled equipment, the company has the ability to be more effective and efficient in the custom application of fertilizer and crop protection products, which ultimately saves the producer money.


Agronomy consultants at both the Deerfield, Ohio, and Volant, Pa., locations are ready to develop agronomic plans that are tailored to individual needs, by providing a full line-up of crop protection products, crop consulting, field scouting and recommendations; a wide selections of seed; dry and liquid fertilizer products; custom application; and soil sampling.

Deerfield Farm Service’s equipment division supplies grain drying, handling and storage equipment, representing brands such as Brock, Hutchinson, Shivvers, DMC, Honeyville and others. They provide full project management, including millwright work, bin construction, and electrical.


They also perform pre-season checks, preventative maintenance service, and facility automation for farm and commercial grain facilities. The preventative maintenance is new for the company.

The company’s grain division is upgrading facilities to make dumping quicker at harvest, when time is most valuable. At the Kinsman grain location, they have added a 150-foot, 6000 bushel-per-hour conveyor to transfer grain.

Additionally, they will be adding an 800-bushel dump pit for soybeans and replacing a 50,000 bushel wet bin with a 190,000 bushel bin.

Improvements at the Volant location include the addition of storage space to bring the total capacity to 443,000 bushels.


At all five grain locations (Deerfield, Louisville and Kinsman, Ohio; and Volant and Carlton, Pa.) they assist producers in optimizing profits through grain marketing workshops and crop insurance workshops.

Deerfield Farm Service’s grain merchandisers make farm visits to help producers develop long term marketing plans.

For more information call 330-584-4715 or 800-589-8606.