West Virginia Baked Ham



  • Into the bowl, mix:
  • 1 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons mustard
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • Rub into and all over the ham, using all the mixture.
  • Into jar, mix:
  • Juice of 3 oranges
  • Juice of 2 small grapefruit
  • Juice from 1 jar of maraschino cherries
  • Juice from 1 medium-sized can pineapple
  • Then add:
  • 1 cup white corn syrup
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • Directions

    Mix thoroughly, then baste over ham every few minutes until ham is done and removed from the oven. Use all of juice mix.
    Place ham on meat platter and cut small squares across ham and insert whole cloves into center of each square. Place slices of pineapple and cherries on top. Slice and cool.
    Wrap ham in foil or brown wrapping paper. Place fat side up in roaster and bake in slow oven about 300°. Bake a 10- to 12-pound ham at 25 minutes per pound. Take from oven 45 minutes before done. Remove paper and rind.