Monday, September 9, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "algae"

Tag: algae

Researchers at The Ohio State University are investigating new techniques to detect organic phosphorus compounds in water samples from the Lake Erie watershed.

Learn more about how water intake and quality is directly related to livestock size.

Experts predict a smaller algae bloom on Lake Erie this year, but say nutrient loading still needs reduced.

The Columbus Dispatch reports that in the Kasich administration’s plan for reducing toxic algae blooms in Lake Erie, changes for farmers aren’t included, at least based on what was revealed May 25.

The toxic algae bloom in the Ohio River late last summer didn't get as much attention as Lake Erie and the Maumee River watershed had, but it could still change the way producers manage nutrients on their farms in the future.

Three Ohio farmers will open their operations to test and display conservation practices for other farmers.

Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training (FACT) allows farmers and commercial fertilizer applicators to meet the educational requirements of Ohio’s new agricultural fertilization law.

Water quality study finds two ways to reduce phosphorus into Lake Erie, and one is by converting cropland to grassland.

Conservation Tillage Conference focuses on building soil health.

Last year is now in the rear-view mirror, and most producers are not sorry to see it go.