Saturday, September 7, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "resolutions"

Tag: resolutions

David Marrison reflects on 2023 and prepares for 2024 by selecting the word manage as his word to implement and focus on in the new year.

Kymberly Seabolt discusses the small things you can do to make the new year better. Take care of yourself and engage with the world and those in your life.

Instead of making resolutions, try goal setting. Any resolution you are considering can be turned into a goal.

Kym Seabolt offers her insight on resolutions for 2023.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt shares her new year resolutions for 2022.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt's words for 2021 are happiness and hugs. She hopes that 2021 offers an abundance of opportunities for both.

Judith Sutherland offers some advice for the new year and recommends a book titled Lists to Live By to gain a little perspective.

Mike Tontimonia shares his new year resolutions.

How are you doing on your New Year's resolutions? Dairy Excel columnist David Marrison recommends focusing on just one word a year.

Mike Tontimonia finds that not much has changed since he originally made his New Year resolutions in 2013.