Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Tag: travel

The rock formations at Nelson-Kennedy Ledges State Park make up one of the only exposed outcrops in northern Ohio. Learn how to safely hike there in winter.

Schenley Park provides a natural sanctuary for city dwellers, university students and other visitors. Julie Geiss digs into the park's romantic history.

Julie Geiss and her family enjoyed a bike ride from the Carnegie Science Center along the river to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History on Forbes Avenue.

Julie Geiss recalls all the challenges of a days-long family bike trip, amused that her children recall the same trip and only remember the adventure.

Encompassing 127 acres, Claridon Woodlands has plenty of space for a variety of outside fun and forested areas bright with color in the fall. 

Julie Geiss visits Settlers Cabin Park in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and marvels at the extent of the restoration projects taking place there.

Ohio State Parks have a full lineup of activities planned for the end of the summer. Admission, parking and programs are free at every Ohio State Park.

Eliza Blue counts her blessings following an abrupt end to her journey spanning 12 days, five states and 2,700 miles.

Julie Geiss considers the history and ecology of Maumee Bay State Park as she travels to visit family in southeastern Michigan.

Eliza Blue is living and appreciating every second of her patchwork life with her children in tow.