Tag: water quality
Be more aware of water in 2022
In unlucky parts of the world, clean drinking water is scarce or limited. Although many Americans don't face that issue, we need to conserve water.
Ohio could lead in water discussions, Ohio food policy summit speakers...
Addressing climate change and soil health and making sure programs work for small farms will be key for building more resilient local food systems, according to speakers at the Ohio Food Policy Network's summit.
Ohio State University lead partner in northwest Ohio watershed project
A new watershed project in northwestern Ohio will demonstrate that agricultural conservation practices can help meet Lake Erie's water quality goals.
Program to give private sector a shot at helping farmers cut...
Researchers are experimenting with a new, private sector program to pay farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin to reduce their phosphorus runoff.
Ohio House passes bill to deregulate ephemeral streams
Despite opposition from dozens of Ohio’s environmental and conservation groups, the Ohio House passed a bill to deregulate the state’s ephemeral streams. Even if the bill passes the Ohio Senate, it could be struck down if the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reverses a Trump-era federal rule — a decision the U.S. EPA is currently considering.
Researchers talk algae blooms, water quality programs
Researchers and leaders in both the Ohio Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency discussed updates on harmful algal bloom research, and water quality programs in the state at the Understanding Algal Blooms: State of the Science virtual conference Sept. 8.
Mark Smith appointed Western Lake Erie Basin Coordinator
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service has appointed Mark Smith as the agency's Western Lake Erie Basin Coordinator.
Exclusion fencing for livestock near creeks keeps water clean
One of the simplest practices farmers can install to help reduce manure runoff from entering our waters is livestock exclusion fencing.
American Farmland Trust focusing on water quality in Upper Scioto
The Scioto watershed is the second highest for phosphorus and nitrogen loads in Ohio. The American Farmland Trust hopes to get that area next in line for H2Ohio funding and other assistance to address water quality issues connected to farmland.
New bill would ban new CAFOs in Ohio’s Maumee River watershed
Two Toledo-area Democrats introduced a bill that would prohibit new concentrated animal feeding operations from being built in the Maumee River watershed unless certain water quality goals are met.