Ashtabula County dairymen are among top in state’s ranks

Holstein dairy cows
(Farm and Dairy file photo)

JEFFERSON, Ohio ­— Ashtabula County dairymen took home top honors in herd production at the 66th annual Ashtabula County Dairy Banquet, March 19, at the Lenox Community Center. Over 100 people attended the event.

Top production

Three Ashtabula County dairy farms were recognized for best production in Ohio. Alfa-Creek Brown Swiss Farm, Andover Township, was recognized as the second ranked Brown Swiss herd in Ohio. Bossy’s Way Farm, New Lyme Township, was recognized as the second place Holstein herd in Ohio, and Alfa-Creek Farms, Andover Township, was recognized as the fourth ranked Holstein herd.

Most improved herd rotating trophy was awarded to Polchin Holsteins, Cherry Valley Township, with a herd average improved over 5,000 pounds of milk per cow. The top 3x Energy Corrected Milk (ECM) Herd Award went to Bossy’s Way Farm, and the top 2x High Energy Corrected Milk Award went to Springer Dairy Farm, Lenox Township. Wilson Dairy Farm, Jefferson Township, won the 2015 Low Somatic Cell Milk Quality Award for the 11th consecutive year.

Top cows

Five farms were recognized for having top cows in Ashtabula County by breed and age. Alfa Creek Brown Swiss received three Brown Swiss awards; Bossy’s Way Farm took all four Holstein awards and received one Brown Swiss award; Ringbyre Jersey took all four Jersey awards; Alfa Creek Farms received three crossbreds awards, and Springer Dairy Farm received one crossbred award.

Bossy’s Way Farm had the top producing cow in 2015, producing 49,232 pounds of milk — which is almost 5,500 gallons of milk. County Extension Educator David Marrison put this number in perspective: The average cow in Ashtabula County gives about 22,000 pounds of milk each year. This cow produced more than double the average.

Ashtabula Dairy Princess Katie Stokes
Katie Stokes of New Lyme, Ohio, was selected as the 2016 Ashtabula County Dairy Princess at the 66th annual Ashtabula County Dairy Banquet, March 19. (Submitted photo)


An additional highlight of the banquet was the crowning of the 2016 Ashtabula County Dairy Princess. Katie Stokes, daughter of Ken and Tammy Stokes, was selected as the 2016 Ashtabula County Dairy Princess, and Nicole Mann, daughter of Sharon Millard and Tim Mann, was runner-up.

The Stuart Struna Memorial 4-H Extra Effort Award is given to a 4-H member who shows dairy cows and goes above and beyond to help out during the Ashtabula County Fair. Finalists recognized were: Joshua Butler from the Demark Pioneers 4-H Club; Justin and Allison Graves from the Kids ‘n Cows 4-H Club; Kassidy Brinker from the Pierpont Mix n Match Pacs; and Mason Hane from the Williamsfield Dairyaiders 4-H Club. Allison Graves was selected as the winner for this award.

Board elections

Tom Coltman, Wayne Township, was elected to serve a two-year term on the Dairy Service Unit board of directors. In addition, Lindsey Zaebst, New Lyme Township, was elected to her first term on the board. Matt Springer, Lenox Township, is retiring from the board after 10 years of service.

State updates

State Rep. John Patterson, Ohio District 99, also gave an update on a variety of legislation that impacts agriculture in Ashtabula County, including CAUV, phosphorus legislation, microbeads in Lake Erie, and value added agriculture research funding.

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