Farm and Dairy’s week in review: 9/26

Week in Review 9/26

Here are this week’s top stories from Farm and Dairy:

1. Without immigrants, milk prices would double

According to a report by the National Milk Producers Federation, if United States dairy farms lost immigrant workers, retail milk prices would double and the economy would lose $32 billion. The report indicates that the one-third of dairy farms that employ foreign-born workers produce almost 80 percent of U.S. milk.

One of the report’s assertions states that the U.S. dairy herd would decrease and more than 7,000 dairy farms would close if immigrant labor was lost.

2. Five weather apps for your mobile device

With today’s technology, people can constantly stay connected on smartphones, tablets and other devices. For farmers, this is a convenience, especially when the work to be done depends on weather conditions.

The Farm and Dairy staff looked at weather app options and chose five that offer the information you need to plan your day, including AccuWeather, MyRadar and others.

3. Loudonville Farmers Equity celebrates 100 years

Loudonville Farmers Equity in Ashland County is celebrating its centennial this year. It was farmer-owned in 1915 and still is today, but has evolved over time to stay competitive.

The mill provides services that some farmers wouldn’t be able to afford on their own, like mixing and delivering feed, custom planting and fertilizer application. This allows farmers to have access to new technology.

4. How to pick the perfect pumpkin, gourd or squash

Fall is the time to harvest, pumpkins, gourds and squash. Farm and Dairy online columnist Ivory Harlow shares tips for planting, including information about planning harvest dates.

In addition, she shares harvesting instructions and how to cure these cucurbits and tells how to save seeds to plant them again next summer.

5. How to grow pumpkins: 7 tips

June’s wet weather may have taken a toll on your pumpkin patch, but some gardeners were fortunate enough to have a decent pumpkin harvest this year.

Keep these tips about fertilizing, pruning, mulching and planting in mind as you plan for next year’s pumpkin crop.