Buyers support youth at Columbiana County Fair

Mitchell Sharp sold his 1,381-pound grand champion steer to Mac Trailer, represented by Jenny Conny, for $3.50 a pound.

(This information has been updated to include results and photos from the Saturday market livestock sale. It has also been updated to correct the name of the reserve outstanding youth lamb project; information provided to Farm and Dairy was incorrect. Scroll down to see a slide show of the champions, or click on the exhibitor’s name to see photo.)

Aug. 2 and 4, 2018 – Total lots: 502        Sale total: $598,834.80


Number of Market Lots: 46

Grand champion: Mitchell Sharp
Bid: $3.50/pound             Weight: 1,381 pounds
Buyer: Mac Trailer

Reserve champion: Kamryn Kiko
Bid: $4/pound             Weight: 1,388 pounds
Buyer: K Palmer Insurance & Financial Services

Grand champion carcass: Addyson Blazer
Bid: $5/pound             Weight: 1,265 pounds
Buyer: Second Chance Trucking

Reserve champion carcass: Dallas McCracken
Bid: $2/pound             Weight: 1,275 pounds
Buyer: Kiko Meats

Grand champion steer project*: Megan Drake
Bid: $4.50/pound             Weight: 1,250 pounds
Buyer: Mac Trailer

Reserve champion steer project*/Champion Columbiana County born and raised: Sarah Jarvis
Bid: $4/pound             Weight: 1,207 pounds
Buyer: Whiteleather Grain

Bantam showmanship: McKenzie Cope
Junior showmanship: Chance Cope
Intermediate showmanship: Madison Cope
Senior showmanship/showman of showmen: Cody Cope
Junior skillathon: Alexis Timmons
Intermediate skillathon: Addyson Blazer
Senior skillathon: Megan Drake


Number of Lots: 102

Grand champion: Dylan Thompson
Bid: $3.25/pound             Weight: 649 pounds
Buyer: Greg Loudon family

Reserve champion: Jaret Hahn
Bid: $3/pound             Weight: 595 pounds
Buyer: All American Scales

Bantam showmanship: Marin Stryffeler
Junior showmanship: Kaitlyn Bondoni
Intermediate showmanship: Abigal Hruby
Senior showmanship/showman of showmen: Isaiah Chestnut


Number of Lots: 35
Average: $1,845

Grand champion cheese: Alex Campbell
Bid: $4,750/basket
Buyer: Mac Trailer

Total pounds champion: Bailey Campbell
Bid: $3,200/basket
Buyer: Mac Trailer

Yield champion: Bryan Himes
Bid: $1,500/basket
Buyer: Greg Loudon family

Showman of Showmen: Drew Malloy


Number of Pens of Three: 2

Grand champion: Rebekka Hall
Bid: $500/per head             Weight: 12.13 pounds
Buyer: Feo Farm Kennels

Reserve champion: Alexis Jones
Bid: $175/per head             Weight: 11.48 pounds
Buyer: R.L. Landscape Group


Number of Pens: 5
Average: $220 with champions; $141.67/without
Grand champion: Rebekka Hall
Bid: $350             Weight: 4.57 pounds
Buyer: Justin and Amanda Medure

Reserve champion: Jesse Wade
Bid: $325            Weight: 5.42 pounds
Buyer: R.L. Landscape Group


Number of Market Lots: 26
Average: $4.64/pound with champions

Grand champion: Bridget Hilliard
Bid: $15/pound             Weight: 139 pounds
Buyer: Greg Loudon family

Reserve champion/Outstanding youth lamb project: Emma Hilliard
Bid: $11/pound             Weight: 139 pounds
Buyer: DataCom, Rogers Mill, Hanoverton Feed

Grand champion carcass: Alaina Grubb
Bid: $7/pound             Weight: 128 pounds
Buyer: Kiko Meats

Reserve champion carcass: Daniel McCracken
Bid: $6/pound            Weight: 111 pounds
Buyer: Row Services

Reserve outstanding project/senior skillathon: Alissa Baer
Bantam showmanship: Kiersten Burton
Junior showmanship: Bridget Hilliard
Intermediate showmanship/skillathon: Daniel McCracken
Senior showmanship/showman of showmen: Margaret McNicol
Bantam skillathon: Alaina Grubb
Junior skillathon: Sarah Baer
Rate of Gain: Alaina Souders


Number of Market Lots: 178
Average: $3.72/pound with champions; $3.61, without

Grand champion: Davin Koons
Bid: $18/pound Weight: 260 pounds
Buyer: Hickey Metal Fabrication

Reserve champion exhibitor: Jacob Kibler
Bid: $8.50/pound Weight: 275 pounds
Buyer: Mac Trailer

Grand champion carcass: Kailey Baker
Bid: $5/pound Weight: 241 pounds
Buyer: West Point Paving

Reserve champion carcass: Sonja Leverknight
Bid: $5.25/pound Weight: 238 pounds
Buyer: Eichler Propane

Outstanding youth hog project: Lainey Mercure
Reserve outstanding youth hog project: Macee Mercure
Bantam showmanship: Madelyn French
Junior showmanship: Kamryn Kiko
Intermediate showmanship: Lainey Mercure
Senior showmanship/showman of showmen: Bodey Kiko
Bantam skillathon: Allison Irwin
Junior skillathon: Emmy Jones
Intermediate skillathon: Lainey Mercure
Senior skillathon: Hailey Jones


Number of Market Lots: 22
Average: $3.94/pound with champions; $4.01, without
Grand champion/reserve outstanding project, junior showmanship and skillathon: Emmy Jones
Bid: $3.25/pound             Weight: 100 pounds
Buyer: D&G Mechanical

Reserve champion, senior skillathon: Hannah Hephner
Bid: $3.25/pound             Weight: 81 pounds
Buyer: Swickard Farms

Outstanding youth goat project, senior showmanship/showman of showmen: Ashley Hahn
Bantam showmanship/skillathon: Rachel Weaver
Intermediate showmanship: Amanda French
Intermediate skillathon: Roseiline Fluharty
Rate of Gain: Allison Hall


Number of baskets: 10
Average: $287.50 with champions; $237.50, without

 Grand champion: Darby Miller
Bid: $500
Buyer: Wallace Farms Feed Drive Thru

Reserve champion: Marissa Stewart
Bid: $475
Buyer: Jim and Patty Powell

Outstanding dairy goat project, senior showmanship/showman of showmen: Abigail Donkin
Reserve outstanding dairy goat project, intermediate showmanship/skillathon: Marissa Stewart
Senior skillathon: Erin Roush
Junior skillathon: Margaret Donkin


Number of Lots: 31
Average: $225/without champions   $249.19/with champions

Grand champion, senior showmanship/showman of showmen: Angus Cope
Bid: $600
Buyer: Leetonia Sportsman’s Club

Reserve champion: Gabe Snyder
Bid: $600
Buyer: Carrollton Farmers Exchange

Outstanding youth lamb project: Jennie Brinker
Reserve outstanding youth lamb project: Angus Cope
Bantam showmanship/skillathon: Atlee Brinker
Junior showmanship/skillathon: Jennie Brinker
Intermediate showmanship/skillathon: Rowen Brinker
Senior skillathon: Caitlin Marshall


Number of Carcass Lots (pens of 3): 31
Average: $476.61/pen with champions; $465.52, without
Grand champion poultry carcass: Emma VonFeldt
Bid: $175/head            Weight: 28.2 pounds
Buyer: Rose Services

Reserve champion: Rachael Rhodes
Bid: $250/head             Weight: 28 pounds
Buyer: Randall Kiko family

Auctioneers and Ringmen: Ken Baer, Bill Baer, Wade Baer, Mark Harding, Brad McGovern, Rusty Kiko, Randall Kiko, Rudy Kiko, Ryan Kiko

Junior Fair Royalty: King: Jon Black       Queen: Megan Drake

* The grand and reserve champion project award is based on the exhibitor’s skillathon, showmanship and live animal conformation.


Columbiana grand dairy feeder

Loudon Motors Ford, represented by Mandi Moyer and Greg Loudon, paid $3.25 a pound for Dylan Thompson’s 649-pound grand champion dairy beef feeder calf.
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Columbiana grand dairy feeder

Loudon Motors Ford, represented by Mandi Moyer and Greg Loudon, paid $3.25 a pound for Dylan Thompson’s 649-pound grand champion dairy beef feeder calf.
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Columbiana reserve dairy feeder

Jaret Hahn raised the reserve champion dairy beef feeder. The 595-pound calf sold for $3 a pound to All American Scales, represented by Patrick Moody.
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Columbiana Total Pounds Champion Cheese

Mac Trailer paid $3,200 for Bailey Campbell's cheese cow that was the total pounds champion.
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Columbiana grand champion heese

Mac Trailer, represented by Julia Conny, Chad, Lane and Rachel Raber, bought Alex Campbell’s grand champion cheese for $4,750. Also pictured are representatives from Minerva Dairy, which sponsors the contest, donates the cheese and calculates the production winners; Columbiana County Dairy Princess Macie Schrecengost; trophy donor Rusty Kiko; and Fair King Jon Black.
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Columbiana grand steer carcass

Mike and Jan Blazer, of Second Chance Trucking, paid $5 a pound for Addyson Blazer’s 1,265-pound grand champion carcass steer.
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Columbiana grand steer project

Mac Trailer paid $4.50 a pound for Megan Drake’s 1,250-pound grand champion steer project. Drake was also the senior steer skillathon winner and crowned the 2018 Columbiana County Fair Queen.
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Columbiana grand champion steer

Mitchell Sharp sold his 1,381-pound grand champion steer to Mac Trailer, represented by Jenny Conny, for $3.50 a pound.
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Columbiana reserve carcass steer

Kiko Meats, represented by Steve Kiko, paid $2 a pound for the 1,275-pound reserve champion steer carcass raised by Dallas McCracken. Also pictured are fair queen and king Megan Drake and Jon Black.
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Columbiana reserve steer project

In her last year in 4-H, Sarah Jarvis raised the champion Columbiana County born and raised steer, and also earned reserve champion steer project honors. Whiteleather Grain paid $4 a pound for her steer weighing 1,207 pounds.
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Columbiana reserve steer

K Palmer Insurance & Financial Services, represented by Hunter Palmer, paid $4 a pound for Kamryn Kiko’s reserve champion steer weighing 1,388 pounds.
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Columbiana cheese yield

Loudon Motors Ford, represented by Mandi Moyer and Greg Loudon, paid $1,500 for Bryan Himes’ yield champion cheese. Also pictured is Phil Mueller, Minerva Dairy and Columbiana County Dairy Princess Macie Schrecengost.
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Columbiana reserve hog

Jacob Kibler raised the reserve champion market hog, weighing 275 pounds, which sold for $8.50 a pound to Mac Trailer, represented by (L-R) Jenny Conny (holding Lane Raber), Rachel and Chad Raber, and Dawn and Mike Conny.
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Kiko Meats, represented by Steve Kiko, paid $7 a pound for Alaina Grubb’s 128-pound grand champion carcass lamb.
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Bridget Hilliard’s 139-pound grand champion lamb sold for $15 a pound to the Greg Loudon family, represented by Greg Loudon and Mandi Moyer.
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Hannah Hephner’s 81-pound reserve champion market goat for $3.25 a pound to Jessica Swickard for Swickard Farms
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The 100-pound grand champion market goat, raised by Emmy Jones, sold for $3.25 a pound to D&G Mechanical, represented by Patrick Souders.
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Columbiana reserve turkey

Carrollton Farmers Exchange, represented by Henry Moore, paid $600 for Gabe Snyder’s reserve champion turkey.
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Angus Cope sold his grand champion turkey for $600 to the Leetonia Sportsman’s Club, represented by Wesley Hull.
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Kailey Baker’s 241-pound grand champion carcass hog sold for $5 a pound to West Point Paving, represented by Mike Hoppel and his grandson Rolan Hoppel.
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Columbiana grand hog

Davin Koons’ 260-pound grand champion market hog sold for $18 a pound to Hickey Metal Fabrication, represented by Leo Hickey.
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Columbiana reserve lamb carcass

Row Services, represented by Dan and Jane Rohr, paid $6 a pound for Daniel McCracken’s 110-pound reserve champion carcass lamb.
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Columbiana grand rabbit

Feo Farm Kennels, represented by Taylor Gilkinson, paid $1,500 for the grand champion market rabbit pen raised by Rebekka Hall. Also pictured are fair royalty Jon Black and Megan Drake, and rabbit ambassador Mickalia Ayers.
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Columbiana reserve carcass hog

Eichler Propane, represented by Gary Eichler, paid $5.25 a pound for Sonja Leverknight’s 238-pound reserve champion carcass hog. Also pictured is hog ambassador Macie Schrecengost.
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Emma VonFeldt sold her grand champion pen of carcass chickens for $525 to Row Services LLC, represented by Jane and Dan Rohr.
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Columbiana grand fryer

Rebekka Hall sold her grand champion fryer rabbit to Justin (pictured) and Amanda Medure for $350. Also pictured is rabbit ambassador Mickalia Ayers.
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Columbiana reserve rabbit pen

The R.L. Landscape Group, represented by Dan Rohr, paid $525 for the reserve champion rabbit pen raised by Alexis Jones. Also pictured are fair royalty Jon Black and Megan Drake, and rabbit ambassador Mickalia Ayers.
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Rachael Rhodes sold her reserve champion chicken carcass pen to the Randall Kiko family — Randall and Becky Kiko and their children Eve, Emmit and Ellie — for $750. Also pictured is fair king Jon Black.
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The grand champion dairy goat fudge, exhibited by Darby Miller, sold for $500 to Paul and Jenny Wallace of Wallace Farms Feed Drive Thru.
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Marissa Stewart’s reserve champion dairy goat fudge sold for $475 to Jim (pictured and Patty Powell.
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Emma Hilliard’s 139-pound reserve champion lamb sold for $11 a pound to DataCom, represented by Shawn Campbell; Hanoverton Feed, represented by Keith Hebron, and Rogers Mill, represented by Jon (the 4-H king) and Bob Black.


Results from previous years:

2017 Columbiana County Fair market livestock sale
2016 Columbiana County Fair market livestock sale
2015 Columbiana County Fair market livestock sale
2014 Columbiana County Fair market livestock sale
2013 Columbiana County Fair market livestock sale

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