2014 Columbiana County Fair junior fair livestock sale results

Autumn Whiteleather (at halter) sold her grand champion cheese basket for $3,250 to Nutri-Plus Fertilizer, Hubner Seeds, and John Griffith Milk Transport, represented by Ed Monter. Also pictured are Minerva Dairy President Adam Mueller (left) and 4-H Queen Courtney Hephner.

(Scroll down to see a photo gallery, or click on the individual links in the results listing to see photos of that champion.)

Columbiana County Fair
Sales: July 31 and Aug. 2, 2014
Sale Total: $534,353.27
Total Lots: 488


Number of Market Lots: 57
Average: $2.88/pound with champions
Average: $2.76/pound w/o champions

Grand champion: Mackenzie Kiko (link opens photo)
Bid: $6.50/pound Weight: 1,295 pounds
Buyer: Paris Washington Insurance

Reserve champion/Grand Champion Outstanding Youth Project*: Kyla Sharp (link opens photo)
Bid: $5.60/pound Weight: 1,278 pounds
Buyer: Mac Trailer

Reserve Champion Outstanding Youth Project*: Kira Sharp (also intermediate skillathon winner) (link opens photo)
Bid: $2.45/pound Weight: 1,274 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Auto Sales

Grand champion carcass steer: Alexa Baker (link opens photo)
Bid: $3.50/pound
Buyer: Pidgeon Family Farm

Reserve champion carcass steer: Betty Richey (link opens photo)
Bid: $2.50/pound
Buyer: Kiko Meats

Senior skillathon/Champion county bred and raised: Haley Drake (link opens photo)
Junior Skillathon: Dylan Foster
Showman of Showmen/senior showmanship: Jacob Smith
Intermediate showmanship: Madison Pidgeon
Junior showmanship: Alexa Baker


Number of Market Lots: 94
Average: $2.79/pound with champions
Average: $2.71/pound w/o champions

Grand champion: Sara Fraser (link opens photo)
Bid: $6/pound Weight: 542 pounds
Buyer: Deerfield Farms Service

Reserve champion: Jarrod Rose (link opens photo)
Bid: $6.50/pound Weight: 509 pounds
Buyer: Mac Trailer

Junior showmanship: Emma Egli (link opens photo)
Intermediate showmanship: Taylor Lowmiller
Sr. showmanship/showman of showmen: Hannah Jarvis



Number of Market Lots: 36
Average: $1,404.17/basket with champions
Average: $1,342.65/basket w/out champions

Grand champion: Autumn Whiteleather (link opens photo)
Bid: $3,250 Yield: 13.99 pounds
Buyer: Nutri-Plus Fertilizer, Hubner Seeds, John Griffith Milk Transport

Reserve champion: Alexa Bates (link opens photo)
Bid: $1,400 Yield: 12.54 pounds
Buyer: Consumers National Bank


Number of Market Lots: 144
Average: $3.28/pound with champions
Average: $3.15/pound w/o champions

Grand champion: Bodey Kiko
Bid: $14.50/pound              Weight: 278 pounds
Buyer: Paris-Washington Insurance

Reserve champion: Jacob Smith
Bid: $7/pound              Weight: 265 pounds
Buyer: Mac Trailer

Grand champion carcass: Emilee Sanor
Bid: $6.25/pound              Weight: 221 pounds
Buyer: Paris/Washington Insurance

Reserve champion carcass: Hayley McElroy
Bid: $5.50/pound              Weight: 249 pounds
Buyer: Jane and Daniel Rohr

Outstanding Youth Project: Addyson Jones
Reserve Outstanding Youth Project: Macee Mercure
Novice showmanship: Madison Cope
Junior showmanship: Haley Jones
Senior showmanship/showman of showmen:
Mackenzie Kiko
Junior skillathon: Hannah Hephner
Intermediate skillathon: Emilee Sanor
Senior skillathon: Courtney Hephner


Number of Market Lots: 13
Average: $43.07/per head with champions
Average: $50.90/per head without champions

Grand champion pen: Claire Barrick
Bid: $150            Weight: 15.96 pounds
Buyer: Terry Chielson and family

Reserve champion: Ashley Wright
Bid: $100              Weight: 10.95 pounds
Buyer: Rogers Mill

Grand champion fryer: Cody Wright
Bid: $250              Weight: 4.61 pounds
Buyer: Tom Moore and family

Reserve champion fryer: Ashley Wright
Bid: $150            Weight: 4.49 pounds
Buyer: Tom Moore and family


Number of Market Lots: 24
Average: $3.04/pound with champions
Average: $2.59/pound without champions

Number of Goat Fudge baskets: 6

Grand champion: Joshua Gregory
Bid: $5.50/pound              Weight: 83 pounds
Buyer: Lisbon Rogers Community Auction

Reserve champion: Bodey Kiko
Bid: $10/pound              Weight: 71 pounds
Buyer: Pugh Family Farms

Outstanding Boer project/rate of gain, showman of showmen/intermediate showman/intermediate skillathon: Hannah Hephner
Novice skillathon: Madison Stacy
Junior showman: Lauren Hippley
Novice showman: Jenna Souders

Grand champion fudge: Kyle Young
Bid: $350              Weight: 5 pounds
Buyer: Haltec Corporation

Reserve champion fudge: Bethany Crouch
Bid: $350             Weight: 4 lb. 2 oz
Buyer: Amanda Moore-McKenzie

Intermediate showman: Bethany Crouch
Reserve outstanding dairy project: Bethany Crouch
Showman of showmen/senior showman/senior skillathon/outstanding dairy goat project: Emma Donkin
Novice showman: Margaret Donkin
Intermediate skillathon/Columbiana County Dairy goat ambassador: Abby Donkin


Number of Market Lots: 39
Average: $3.61/pound with champions
Average: $3.30/pound without champions

Grand champion/Market lamb best project/showman of showmen, senior showmanship: Hunter Urmson
Bid: $6/pound              Weight: 136 pounds
Buyer: Columbiana County Farm Bureau

Reserve champion:  Morgan Urmson
Bid: $4.75/pound              Weight: 147 pounds
Buyer: Save-A-Lot

Grand champion carcass: Cole Birkhimer
Bid: $10.50/pound              Weight: 131 pounds
Buyer: Gateway Royalties

Reserve champion carcass: Rebecca Bock
Bid: $4/pound              Weight: 111 pounds
Buyer: Homeworth Feed and Grain

Reserve best project: Rachel Amos
Junior skillathon: Jaret Hahn
Intermediate skillathon: Ashley Hahn
Junior showmanship: Molly Sell
Intermediate showmanship: Ashley Hahn


Number of Carcass Lots: 31
Average: $116.36/per head with champions
Average: $100.48/per head without champions

Grand champion: Alexia Didick
Bid: $275
Buyer: Sandy Beaver Insurance

Reserve champion: Dylan Rothwell
Bid: $450
Buyer: Dale Burbick


Number of Market Lots: 46
Average: $208.54 with champions
Average: $199.67 without champions

Grand champion: Michael French
Bid: $400              Weight: 35.60 pounds
Buyer: Millstone Farm and Garden

Reserve champion: Gabe Snyder
Bid: $425              Weight: 31.20 pounds
Buyer: Coldwell Tree Farm

Grand champion carcass turkey: Troy Wolfgang
Bid: $450              Weight: 23.0 pounds
Buyer: Rogers Mill

Reserve carcass turkey: Vaughn Unger
Bid: $400              Weight: 35.0 pounds
Buyer: Spring Hollow Trucking

**The grand and reserve champion Outstanding Youth Project is based on the exhibitor’s skillathon, showmanship and live animal conformation scores.

*** Bidders were not bidding on the exact chickens the 4-H’ers raised this year. When the chickens were processed, there was no USDA inspector onsite, therefore the chickens were not able to be sold. To compensate for this, the senior fairboard purchased chickens for the youth to sell. Instead of getting three chickens as in the past, bidders received a fourth chicken as a way to thank bidders for their support.

**** The carcass turkeys were replaced with live market turkeys raised by carcass winners.























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