Monday, May 6, 2024
Around the Table

Around the Table


You may not find them in stores yet, but it’s only a matter of time before new disease-resistant apple cultivars are more popular than old favorites.
corned beef sandwich

Use good food safety practices to cook corned beef for St. Patrick's Day. It should be handled with care to avoid foodborne illnesses.
donated venison

Pennsylvania deer hunters donated a total of 235,532 pounds of venison from 6,201 deer and four elk via Hunters Sharing the Harvest.
Autumn wreath

Jen's family has the quintessential Thanksgiving spread, until it's time for dessert.

If you’ve only pickled traditional cucumbers, you’re missing out on a world of taste.
table with baking ingredients

This week we're reading about what to do with moldy bread, how to store food in the freezer, a recipe-delivery business and more.

Kombucha can help restore the body’s natural microbiome and improve overall health. Learn to make informed choices about kombucha sources and consumption.

Bright sunny days make spring a good time to indulge in a wide range of plentiful produce such as asparagus, cabbage, kale, spinach and strawberries.
chopped zucchini

A season’s worth of zucchini goes a long way, so consider freezing some of it to use later.
birch catkins

If you’ve been dealing with allergies, it probably hasn’t been fun. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to reduce your spring allergy symptoms.

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