Sunday, May 19, 2024

This week, Kymberly Seabolt analyses her "white trash taste buds" and the midwestern cooking she grew up enjoying.
green tomato

Growing up during the Depression era, Alan Guebert's mother developed a hardness against waste. And so his family ate "the last of the garden," regularly.
banana peel

Student employees at Ohio State University are digging into trash to pull out tossed food in its various forms as part of a study on food waste.
peppermint candy

Last week the FDA announced that it was banning the use of seven synthetic food-flavoring additives that have been linked to the development of cancer.
bees on hive

Elevated winter honeybee colony losses attributed to Colony Collapse Disorder have not resulted in declines in colony numbers, according to the USDA’s Economic Research Service.
black walnut

Keep your eye out for these five native Ohio nuts this fall while you’re out foraging.

Here are eight native Ohio fruits to keep an eye out for this fall. Learn how to find and identify them to enjoy some of Ohio’s most delicious wild treats.

Scientists have developed a CRISPR gene-editing technique that can potentially correct a majority of the mutations that cause Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

A new study found that hunger hormone levels rise and fullness hormone levels decrease in the evening.

Learn how to diagnose and prevent common problems — discoloration, siphoning and mold — when canning applesauce.