Tuesday, April 30, 2024
vegetable transplant collage

Proper preparation, timing and technique help seedlings become healthy and productive plants.
garlic bulbs with Ask Jen text

Garlic can boost your body’s response to common cold, cancer and other ailments.

Roasted garlic can be used in many recipes, from dips and dressings to mashed potatoes and chicken.
coffee grounds

Coffee grounds offer several benefits for your garden’s soil and are also useful for compost and mulch.
baking ingredients with Ask Jen text

Several weeks ago, a lovely woman called our office hoping for a specific European cookie recipe, although she wasn’t sure of the ingredients, the name of the cookies or even what the cookies resembled.
Eastern mole

New baits and repellents for moles work better than the home remedies some people swear by, and trapping is still one of the most efficient means of controlling moles.
jar of flour

If you’re not familiar with the metric system, making European confections can be confusing. These charts will help you measure out your ingredients correctly.
cheese and grapes

I was talking to a friend of mine over the weekend who mentioned that she didn’t see the Ask Jen column in last week’s...
grilled cheese

It doesn’t take much extra effort to turn your normal grilled cheese into inside-out grilled cheese.
succulents with "growing succulents indoors: 6 tips" text

Succulents are easy to grow as long as attention is paid to environment, light, soil, water, fertilizer and pest control.

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