Sunday, May 5, 2024
okra and seeds

Let’s not get so excited about harvesting vege crops that we forget to save seed for next season!
table with baking ingredients

This week we're reading about pumpkin-flavored Peeps, delicious and sweet s'mores recipes and more.
veggie pizza

Jen plants a garden for the purpose of canning and enjoyment the rest of the year, but her plans never quite work out.

If you’re going to eat your garden’s produce fresh, make sure you know the recommended storage methods and lengths.
radishes, lettuce and carrots

In August our regional average temperature begin to decrease, signaling that fall is on the way. Plant now to fill your cornucopia with an abundant fall harvest!
hotdog fries and lollipop

If there were a magic calorie-smashing wand, I would have bought like a dozen of them by now. Since there isn't, we're going to have to rely on something else this fair season: our own willpower.
table with baking ingredients

This week we're reading about an update on a lab-grown beef burger, restaurants that rip off farm names, weird ice cream flavors and more.
food stand at the fair

It’s tempting to overindulge at these once-a-year festivals, but keep in mind how many calories you’re putting away in a single trip to the fair.
Ask Jen about zucchini

What do you do with all of those extra zukes? You pick all that are ready, load them in your kids' wagon, and get going.
table with baking ingredients

This week we're reading about food books to add to your reading list, a downloadable taco emoji, National Sneak Some Zucchini onto your Neighbor's Porch Day and more.

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