Sunday, May 5, 2024
chopped zucchini

A season’s worth of zucchini goes a long way, so consider freezing some of it to use later.
fruit preserves

Making jams and jellies is a science to be mastered.
picking blueberries

Do you pick your own berries? I do… well, I used to before life got crazy busy. I miss it.

Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries can all be grown in the home garden.
table with baking ingredients

This week we're reading about how one 115-year-old swears by the bacon she eats each morning, how to get the best meals while eating out, how to cook with anchovies and more.
cinnamon rolls

When most people think "a la mode", they picture a scoop of ice cream on top of warm apple pie. Jen thinks of cinnamon rolls.
table with baking ingredients

This week we're reading about the milk supply glut in the Northeast, the nutrition of fast food breakfasts and more.
apple pie a la mode

With a few ingredients, an electric hand mixer and a freezer, you can easily make no-churn ice cream that will be ready to eat in just six hours.
washing leafy greens

Proper storage of produce keeps it fresh and ripe until you are ready to eat or preserve it. Storing produce in ideal conditions also improves its taste, texture and appearance.
citrus fruits

Oranges. Lemons. Limes. Citrus fruits don’t stop there. Read on to learn about five other delicious varieties of citrus staples that you need to add to your grocery list now.

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