Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Dark green leafy vegetables are rich in the antioxidant lutein, which has been claimed to help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.
cold hardy crops

Utilizing cold frames, row covers, bell covers, field hoop houses and cold-hardy crops are options for gardeners to extend the growing season.
tomatoes and basil

Companion planting is a technique gardeners use to reduce maintenance and deter pests. Learn which garden plants make ideal companions for common herbs.
Marcia and Mae Ruff stand in front of grain containers, Feb. 11. The containers were built in partnership with Farmers Business Network.

It bothers Marcia Ruff when a woman says she’s just a farm wife, because she believes there are many opportunities for women in agriculture.

For more than 100 years, Cleveland's West Side Market has helped bring fresh foods to the city.
black licorice candy

People over 40 who eat 2 ounces of black licorice a day for at least 2 weeks could experience an irregular heart rhythm that may land them in the hospital.

For Kym Seabolt, empty nesting means fewer homecooked meals and fewer trips to the grocery store.

It's disappointing so many Easter egg safety articles suggest making separate batches to eat and hide. There are safe ways to eat the eggs you hide.

EAST CANTON, Ohio — Imagine being responsible for six children, 132 dairy cattle and 400 acres on a daily basis. Some would say it is...
ugly food

Misshapen vegetables are as healthful as their picture-perfect counterparts and buying them helps reduce food waste.

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