Ask Jen about how chicken once saved her life
Don't disregard this lovely story just because it's only September.
Ask Jen about her garden harvest
Jen plants a garden for the purpose of canning and enjoyment the rest of the year, but her plans never quite work out.
Napkins? Give Me Two, Please
How do busy families instill table manners, and what happens when the mom herself is a food-dropping klutz? Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb confesses to always needing a napking or two.
Ask Jen about pasta
Isn't it ironic: last week we dove cannon-ball style into the world of gluten-free eating, and this week we're doing a complete 180° turn and eating pasta.
What we’re reading: 9/23
This week we're reading about stain removal tactics, a rent-a-grandma for the kitchen program and more.
Ask Jen about zucchini
What do you do with all of those extra zukes? You pick all that are ready, load them in your kids' wagon, and get going.
Here’s the scoop on summer food safety
Having a picnic this weekend for the Fourth of July? Make sure your food is prepared and served safely by following these tips.
Ask Jen about grilling
Not sure if gas or charcoal grilling is right for you? Jen explains the pros and cons of each.
Can your dad cook? We want his recipe
We want your dad's best recipe.
Ask Jen about cookouts
Summertime = family cookouts.
What do you say to your sister-in-law’s brother’s obnoxious new girlfriend when she asks if your cookout is going to be...