Saturday, July 27, 2024
A Wrangler’s Reckless Writings

A Wrangler’s Reckless Writings


Bryce Angell crafts a peom about his friend Byron's trip back to town after a rowdy mare broke his leg.
saddle on a horse

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about a cowboy names Harley Jones and his horse Hurricane.

Bryce Angell takes a trip down memory lane while visiting a local burger joint.

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about mistaking moose courting for a bear.
saddle on a horse

Bryce Angell recaps a rough trail ride in poem form.
Bales of hay in a field.

Bryce Angell reflects on how he learned to drive, and the necessity of driving at a young age when you live on a farm.

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about his old Chevy Silverados.
cattle herd

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about the smells of the cattle auction.

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about that time the all-you-can-eat buffet turned out to be less than.

Bryce Angell recalls a close call playing the game Mumblety-Peg during his childhood.