Monday, May 6, 2024

How many animals will my pasture support? Now is a great time to sit back and think about what went well and what needs improved.

A recommended rate for nitrogen to stockpile cool-season forages is 50 pounds/acre. But what exactly does 50 lbs./acre of N do for forages consistently?
grazing cattle

Take this time of year to evaluate whether all of your planning and preparation has paid off or if you still have some work to do.
Healthy soil

Soil testing should be the first step in your grazing management plan — it'll save you money.
Holstein dairy cows on pasture

Rabies should stay firmly in a producer's awareness. It's a disease that can mimic more common diseases, leading to a delay in veterinary care.

When some forages freeze, changes in their metabolism and composition can be toxic to ruminant livestock, causing prussic acid poisoning and bloat.
Weisend sheep flock

Most sheep and goat producers will experience difficulties with internal parasite control. Learn how to improve your parasite management practices.
hay closeup

Using livestock to make later cuttings of hay is one of the best opportunities producers have to reduce costs and make more profit year after year.
drainage and waterway, WOTUS

Despite record rainfall, yet again, this year, there are plenty of opportunities to make improvements to water and soil management practices.

Are you scouting your forage crops for disease this fall? This may not be the first item on a producer's to-do list, but it's important.