Sunday, May 19, 2024

Compaction can ultimately lead to increased drought and disease susceptibility of plants, even when it appears there is standing water in a field. 
Ohio Buckeye seed and leaves.

Ohio State University Extension educator Jordon Penrose talks about ways to detect and prevent livestock from eating poisonous plants in the pasture.

The difference between producers that have had continued success and the ones who have struggled, will come down to feed and nutrition management.

I went to southern Illinois last week to do some programs and I was taken aback by the severity of the drought in that...
Vollborn Cattle

Do you have enough pasture and stored feed to make it through the winter? Learn how to best use what you have. 

The Guide to Pasture Condition Scoring can help graziers identify and prioritize management practices that may improve pasture productivity.
snowy pasture

Now is the time to start thinking about adjusting grazing management plans and evaluating results from past decisions. 

How do you know how much hay, grain, and pasture your animals need? A hay test is a great place to start.

The month of December is a great time to plan. We have the opportunity to make changes to the 2010 year and plan for...
hay bales

It's time to take inventory of remaining hay supplies to make sure there is enough until pastures green up regardless of what weather conditions occur.