Friday, May 3, 2024
beef cattle on pasture

When the weather shifts from drought conditions to scattered storms good pasture management techniques are crucial.
Draganic cattle

Taking the time to test your forages and matching them with a proper mineral mix can ensure good animal health and reproductive efficiency.

Oats can be planted in the summer as an early fall forage for harvest or grazing. OSU Extension educator Allen Gahler explains how to maximize yields.
stock pile with hay

OSU Extension Field Specialist Jason Hartschuh provides tips for feeding baleage instead of dry hay to livestock.
hay field

How we store hay makes a difference in the potential for winter forage losses. Learn how to minimize your losses.
cut hay

Now is great time to assess if you have enough hay for the winter, as well as consider other things you can do to make sure you have enough feed for winter.
Pokeweed graphic

Pokeweed can be found in the eastern half of the United States, invading reduced-tillage fields. It's poisonous to humans, livestock and pets.
FSR drought forage

Farmers should keep long-term pasture management objectives in mind as they deal with drought conditions across the Midwest and nearby regions of the U.S.
cattle in pasture

While we can’t control when, where, or the amount of rainfall, there are management practices you can take to minimize damage to pastures.
hay field

If you don’t get a chance to take that breather, you may consider quitting all together, when what you really need is to just slow down.