Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Cressleaf groundsel

It may still be early March but now is the time to consider the need for spring fertilizer or weed control in winter annual cereal forages.

Be on the lookout for the heaving of the crowns and root systems, healthy stems and toxic weeds you begin scouting your forage fields.
Asian longhorned ticks

Ohio State University Extension educator Timothy McDermott shares tips to help livestock producers keep their animals safe from the growing threat of ticks.
healthy soil

Soils with adequate nutrients and pH promote pasture growth and development. Soil sampling is the most accurate way to determine what your pasture needs.
grazing cattle

Good grazing management can help prevent grass tetany. Here are a few considerations and practices to implement during your early spring grazing season. 

There are opportunities to learn and grow through the winter months. Now is the time to plan what the rest of the year on your farm could look like.
cattle in snow

Learn more about the issues associated with extreme winter conditions and what producers can do to protect their herds. 

Feeding losses can occur from trampling, weather conditions, fecal contamination, method of storage and overall hay quality. Learn how to prevent losses.
cattle and bales of hay on pasture

The Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council will be hosting its 2023 Annual Meeting on Feb. 17 at Deerassic Park Education Center in Cambridge, Ohio.
snowy pasture

Learn how to increase and supplement feed for livestock when the weather is colder to account for the metabolic changes that keep them warm.