Wednesday, February 19, 2025
gingseng root

Appalachian Ohio's wild ginseng is so highly prized it's called "green gold" in some communities. Barb Mudrak digs deep into the world of ginseng harvesting.
Monarch butterflies

The annual monarch butterfly migration is a natural phenomenon. Learn more about how they survive the long flight to Mexico, Florida and California.
blackburnian warbler

Birds that are getting ready to leave this area, as well as those just passing through, need that extra energy provided by feeders for their long migration.
goose hunting

The early goose season that is going on now in Ohio may be seen by farmers as a chance to get rid of those unwanted guests around the pond.

The Ohio Wildlife Council is reviewing a proposal to add the American bullfrog and the green frog to the list of Class A aquaculture species.
barn owls

Barn owls are just one step below "threatened" in Pennsylvania, and are listed as threatened in Ohio and many other states. Learn why and what can be done.
Lake Erie

The past few years, Lake Erie's delicacy, the yellow perch, has been in short supply. Barb Mudrak provides an update on Lake Erie's perch populations.
Beech Creek Botanical Garden

Barb Mudrak shares information about the things to see and learn at Beech Creek Botanical Garden and Nature Preserve in Stark County's Washington Township.
Catfishing tournament

Catfish with Cops raised $375 for the Stark Parks Ranger Cadet program, which involves working and ride-alongs with park rangers, and some training.
Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Center

The Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Center in Columbiana County, Ohio, opened up July 18. Learn more about the center, the exhibits and visitor information.