Friday, February 14, 2025
barb mudrak camping photo

The peculiar circumstances surrounding this summer have pushed more people outdoors. Barb Mudrak digs into the increased interest in camping.

Learn more about the ROW project, short for right-of-way, and how it's helped birds and pollinators survive.
Lake Sturgeon

A group of scientists plan to spend the next few decades replenishing populations of lake sturgeons, particularly in Lake Erie.
wavy rayed lampmussel

Learn more about freshwater mussels; their role in the ecosystems of rivers, lakes and streams in the Midwest and how you can help protect them.
red-spotted newt

Learn more about the 25 species of salamander in Ohio, specifically the red-spotted newt and eastern hellbender.
female bobolink

Learn more about the "wait to mow" movement and how it helps bobolinks and other grassland birds who've lost habitat.

Wildlife specialists believe coyote populations have reached a saturation point and may be having a positive impact on agriculture and local ecosystems.

Learn more about Lake Erie's healthy walleye populations, the 2020 hatch and how scientists are tracking all of this information.
fawn laying down

It's best to leave baby animals alone so their mothers return. However, there are things you can try to ensure survival while they're waiting for mom.

Feeding, housing and watching birds at home can be a source of joy and therapy in these difficult times.