Friday, May 3, 2024

Rare is the day when the U.S. Senate Ag Committee lands on the front page of the New York Times. That day, however, came...

Society currently expects three things from farmers. First, produce high quality and safe food. Second, protect the environment. Third, treat farm animals humanely. But some still clamor that's not enough.

I dislike the calculating move by HSUS to target 4-H youth with its subtle anti-animal agriculture message.

We could all name names.Good farms that have no one waiting in the wings to take over the business. Farmers whose sons and daughters...

(Part II of II)Have you ever tried to sit on a three-legged stool that had one leg shorter than the other two, or was...

(Part I of II)What does it really mean to farm sustainably? To be committed to agricultural sustainability? Ask 10 people and you'll get 10...

An amazing thing happened last week while you were busy milking, feeding, repairing, resting or doing whatever other chores keep farmers busy in bleak...

Farmers often harbor insecurities when plopped in a room with bankers or small business owners or lawyers. Too often, farmers feel like they don't belong in that crowd, like their chosen profession is somehow less important or worthy than the others'. They couldn't be more wrong.

Does your state (county, borough, village, township, fill in the blank) like its farms?Does it realize the economic impact of agriculture? Is there a...

Now is the time for agriculture to communicate its advantages, as well as re-evaluate its traditions.