Thursday, May 2, 2024

Spring is in the air! Isn't springtime in northeast Ohio a wonderful time? Gone (hopefully) are the howling winter winds and we all are crossing our fingers for a warm, dry spring.

In my book of favorite events, a county fair is a close second to Christmas. County fairs bring families together, the food is plentiful,...

Extension dairy specialist Dianne Shoemaker pens a short ode to the season - as seen from the barn.

Can’t put it off any longer … it’s year-end tax planning time. “One’s tax management goal should be maximizing after-tax income or wealth over...

Well, we’ve made it through yet another year. The Christmas presents have been opened, you’ve probably eaten more than you should have (I know...

How well each farm would fare through the coming years of substantially lower milk prices would be heavily influenced by the financial health of the farm going in.

How would you like 280 bushels per acre average over more than 500 acres of corn? Ernie Oelker connects soil productivity, vertical tillage and yield expectations.

Dairy specialist Cam Thraen writes a column just for proactive pricers.
wishful thinking

Bonnie Ayars attends the World Dairy Expo, enjoying all it has to offer.

Dianne Shoemaker, northeast Ohio district dairy specialist with OSU Extension, writes about the new dogs that have come into her life.