Saturday, May 4, 2024
turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and stuffing

Alan Guebert urges us to remember this year is about what we did to persevere, to stick, even though events or people pulled us toward failure.
census banner

Alan Guebert mulls over how the muddled results of the recent general election will impact U.S. farm policy.
scorpions on sticks at a Chinese market

Alan Guebert reflects on how China’s swift recovery from the viral pandemic it spawned is now the key driver in world ag markets.

Alan Guebert ponders what Americans face this week, after national elections — straight up arithmetic or political mathematics.
Duma trucks and flags

Alan Guebert ponders on the way rural America has become charged over the “theys” in today’s bitter election-year politics.
census banner

Alan Guebert explains why Collin Peterson, the chairman of the House Ag Committee, could be the face of today’s political divide in rural America. 
American flag

Alan Guebert misses the honest dishonesty of a past political environment and the characters and competence it usually fostered.

Alan Guebert provides a look inside "Perilous Bounty: The Looming Collapse of American Farming and How We Can Prevent It," by Tom Philpott.
corn kernels and dollar bills

Just when you think 2020 can’t possibly get any crazier, autumn arrives with a carload of crazy in tow, and not just in the U.S., says Alan Guebert.
meat label

Learn how meatpackers used lobbyists to influence policy related to staffing requirements amid COVID-19 and how the death of Tony Corbo may compound things.