Thursday, May 2, 2024

Six months may have passed since readers last got their say in this space but nothing during that time has mellowed their views of this effort.

The trade cooks at the White House will continue to search for a trade recipe that they hope will boost ag exports.

After buying Whole Foods, Amazon looks to get their customers out of packed parking lots, crowded stores and long checkout lines to buy groceries online.
Sonny Perdue USDA

Sonny Perdue says give him a year to fix Rural Development programs. Fix what? The much needed, heavily used programs aren’t broken. Yet.
Donald J. Trump

According to Alan Guebert, the point is as simple as it is apparent: climate change is happening and will continue to happen.

Alan Guebert gives his take on corruption within the beef industry and questions the pros and cons of country of origin labeling.
Sonny Perdue USDA

Sonny Perdue invoked a 2014 Farm Bill directive to create the undersecretary of trade by eliminating the undersecretary of rural development.

Human engineering and agricultural innovation have made farming safer over the years.

Alan Guebert gives his view on Perdue’s decision to “slow down” implementation of the nutritional school lunch standards promoted by Michelle Obama.

Sonny Perdue will have his hands full considering America’s slipping hold on the global farm trade and President Trump's clear anti-trade stances.