Thursday, May 16, 2024
Farm and Food File

Farm and Food File

aerial farmland

Alan Guebert reflects on how agricultural land in the U.S., and how much land is being utilized for agriculture, has changed over the years.

Alan Guebert believes the cotton gang sees the disaster relief bill as an opening to take another shot at a new payment scheme it has wanted for years.
rice cultivation

As the world heats up, rice farmers are facing never-before-seen problems that will require never-before-seen solutions that will take years to implement.
U.S. Capitol

Trump’s anti-trade tirades and Pence’s flip-flops on key farm and ranch issues such as the Farm Bill and renewable fuels could be bad for agriculture.
business graphic

Ag co-op giant, CHS Inc. says it needs to update bylaws to ensure locals “operate on a cooperative basis or be an organization primarily owned and controlled by a member cooperative."
pork chops stacked up

Alan Guebert shares his thoughts on how the government can improve the meatpacking industry, stating hearings should focus on the future, not the past.

Alan Guebert reflects on what lies ahead for the dairy industry.

Of all the places you’d expect to see a fight between the hard face of ag economics and the warm heart of rural America, it wouldn't be the New York Times.

(NOTE: Below is the second of a two columns on a now-collapsing, multimillion-dollar farmer-owned cooperative.

Alan Guebert returned to the fields of his youth with a metal detector more advanced than the one he used 40 years ago. Find out what he uncovered.