Sunday, May 5, 2024

Driving home after a day at work can get to the best of us. With hectic schedules and multi-tasked minds, it's hard to avoid road rage as we hustle around each other.

Night sounds intensify as August draws to a close. Though a cooler night air usually means a more comfortable night's sleep, the sounds of singing crickets and katydids always wash me with a bit of melancholy since I associate them with starting back to school.

I typed this week's column in an overstuffed chair in our adult Sunday school room. Upbeat feelings inspired me as the sounds of Bible...

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget (or at least 'hazard a guess' as to its use).

Miffed and mildly embarrassed, my high school senior, Jo, admitted one more time to friends at school that, as a little girl, her dad told her that tapioca was fish eggs.

The doll carriage I played with as a child was made of real, woven wicker painted white, with a bonnet that swiveled to either head or foot.

The honey month of September provides a chance to celebrate the honeybee. Seventeen states have adopted the honeybee as their official state insect....

"You just can't imagine what loneliness is," Dad confessed quietly as he eased his way off our deck that has needed new steps since we moved in (has it really been 13 years?).

Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb has shared in her column this week a letter from a reader who has been looking back through her bills from the 1950s.

Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb proves the third time is a charm.