Saturday, May 18, 2024
silverware on table

It seems, somehow, that people used to be more satisfied with far less.
bottle feeding lamb

I was stunned to see a wet, newborn lamb crying, stuck between two board fences.

Dr. Pol tells the real-life story of being a farm veterinarian.
ewe and two lambs

New life is a dose of the very best medicine.

Judith shares fond memories of visiting the corner store with her sisters when they would travel to town for piano lessons with their aunt.
tick up close

This past summer and well into the fall, with all the factors right for an enormous proliferation of ticks, has found us sharing knowledge gleaned over many years whether we wanted it or not.
Dorset sheep

Just when they thought Doris would be packing her bags, she brings a gift of a fine Christmas ewe lamb to Sutherland's farm. Doris the Dorset has done it again.

The sights, sounds and smells of Christmas bring back warm memories for Sutherland of baking cookies, decorating the tree and wishing for special gifts from Santa.

Dink, the friendly ram lamb of Doris the Dorset, had won over Sutherland's heart, but it was time for him to move on. A faithful reader and fellow Dorset breeder welcomed Dink onto their farm.

Remember the thrill of a bike ride with a mission? My best friend, Cindy, and I were talking about how great she felt when her Grandpa Sigler sent her to Bodager Hardware to get him a specific item.