Thursday, May 2, 2024
Old Faithful

Julie Geiss and her family continue their trek West all the way to Yellowstone National Park, the crown jewel of the park system.

Julie Geiss takes us back to the end of summer sometime in the 1980s, during a time of sibling rivalries and prized Egyptian heirloom tomatoes.
Mill Stream Run Reservation

Julie Geiss' daughter gets hooked on distance running following the completion of her first half-marathon at Mill Stream Run Reservation.
poison ivy

Julie Geiss reminds us to be mindful of poison ivy when we are outdoors and offers insight into a natural remedy to treat poison ivy rashes.
Monarch butterfly

Julie Geiss recalls a monarch butterfly migration she was lucky enough to witness during her youth.
Lanterman's Mill

Julie Geiss loves visiting waterfalls in the spring. She shares her favorites — Alpha Falls, Buttermilk Falls and Kildoo Falls.

Julie Geiss reminds us, like many other things in life, moderation is the key when partaking in winter nourishment via snow and icicles.
Arbor Lane Loop Trail at Chapin Forest

Julie Geiss and her family enjoy the outdoors following the recent heavy snow, visiting Chapin Forest Reservation to ski.
Settlers Cabin Park

Julie Geiss visits Settlers Cabin Park in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and marvels at the extent of the restoration projects taking place there.
Ford Nature Center

Julie Geiss recently visited the Ford Nature Center for the first time since its renovations, enjoying both its historical significance and natural setting.