Saturday, May 18, 2024

I didn't set out to become a sell-out. I'm just saying. For the record and all. I had no intention of becoming an impersonal cog in the corporate machine.

Father's Day has never ranked among my top personal holidays. I got no more excited about Father's Day than, say, any holiday belonging solely to a religion to which I do not belong.

One of my many faults (and I surely have far too many to count in just one column) is I am a shallow person...

If I’d had any sense I would have started writing for this paper years ago. I could really have used the free subscription....

I am not a trophy mom. I mean I think I'm a catch, but I'm not "into" trophies.

I am happy to report that my “send a watermelon to camp” program is coming along nicely. We have come to the realization we...

An only child, columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt never knew the methods of sibling torture until she had children of her own.

Recently, I have begun to branch out in my daily newspaper reading. Now that I have discovered the birth announcements, I am no longer confined to the police blotter to keep up with the myriad ways humans can commit crimes against the innocent.

I am running with a bad crowd. Somewhere there is a bookish gathering of nerdy, sedentary types missing me terribly.

Despite what psychoanalysts might claim, not everything that is wrong with you is your mother’s fault.