Everything that is old is new again
Kymberly Foster Seabolt shares her thoughts on using antiques and other old things, while appreciating their heritage.
Empty nest dining style
Kym Seabolt's empty(ish) nest is definitely feathered with takeout boxes and cookie crumbs.
If you want to have fun, travel light hearted
To say I'm kicking myself for not buying the squirrel would be an understatement.We were blessed to embark on our 11th annual summer road...
Staying married is hard work
What sets happily married couples apart from married couples? Kymberly Foster Seabolt has some ideas and advice.
And then, along came a spider
Just when I think it's safe to leave the house, nature, not content to menace me IN MY OWN HOME decides to take the...
Choice words help with tub project
Sometimes your home improvement project just takes a little encouraging, and persistence.
When boating, always plug the hole!
Before getting into the boat, make sure the hole is plugged, and that the boat is ready.
Embracing my inner grouch
You hear all the time about embracing your inner child, but what if what you have is less an inner 8-year-old and more an...
Money talks: I just don’t speak the language
Obviously, I am failing to see the big picture, money wise, and for this (and my being a writer - a career path which ranks slightly lower than illegal alien bus boy in terms of financial success), I'm unlikely to ever be obscenely, or even G-ratedly, rich.
Habits as hobbies
As Kym Seabolt's nest empties anew, she has begun to think about new hobbies.