Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mason jars are the darling of Pinterest. They are used for everything — crafts, home decor, party favors, garden art, desk organizing and food storage.
relaxing on the couch

As she looks for things to do during the 2020 COVID-19 quarantine, Kymberly Foster Seabolt ponders things we could all learn from this moment in history.
engagement ring in a snowball

Kym Seabolt reflects on what a very “married” Christmas is really like. Not better. Not worse. But definitely different.
purses and wallets

Kym Seabolt considers the usefulness of women's purses and fashions throughout the generations of women in her family.

The accident happened, as these things always do, simultaneously fast and oh-so-slow.

Mother’s Day was this month and advertisers went nuts lauding mothers with a push toward candy, bouquets and flowery sentiments. People waited hours in...

By the time you read this, it will be Christmas.

There is such hatred of PromPosals and Homecoming Asks that entire internet conversations will devolve into name calling among adults over the very topic.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt is leery of signing up for things, following a few tricky subscription cancelations.

Learn to protect your children from abduction.