Saturday, July 27, 2024

Marlin Clark weighs in on the grain markets, finding that, after all the talk, crop prices are following seasonality.

The USDA recently reported an increase of 1.9 bpa in corn yield, to 174.9 bpa for the national yield estimate — 90 million bushels over the record.

Price action last week on the Chicago Board of Trade would have one think that the harvest was finished. Marlin Clark explains in this week's grain report.
Corn planting

Marlin Clark weighs in on the grain markets as planting progresses in the Eastern Corn Belt and harvest continues in South America.

After the excitement of unpredictable weather and the influence of the Ukraine War on markets, prices are settling into a predictable pattern.
Corn planting

Slow planting and a large cut in Russian wheat prospects have lifted grain prices, giving analysts the first positive news to report in months.

As we await the next round of reports, Marlin Clark reports on the lack of news as grain prices have continued to follow a downward trend.
sea of corn

Marlin Clark explains why good news in the corn market may be more of a "dead cat bounce," meaning the slight rise isn't necessarily a trend.

The grain marketing ship is rudderless this month, as fundamental news is mostly absent and meaningless.
sun in corn field

Marlin Clark explains the strange state of the grain markets and how they've been affected by unpredictable weather this summer.