Wednesday, May 1, 2024
sleeping dog

Alan Guebert shares his thoughts on the proposed SNAP cuts that could drop 500,000 children from the free school lunch program amid farmers' aid payments.
classic car horn

Although we are used to the sound of warning signals on vehicles today, we weren't always. Same Moore shares the history and development of the car horn.
reusable bag with recycling symbol

The average American takes home almost 1,500 plastic bags every year. You can make a difference by switching to reusable bags to do your grocery shopping.
corn and soybean fields

Marlin Clark provides a weekly breakdown of corn and soybean prices and offers insight on how trade negotiations with China are impacting them.
social media networking

Editor-in-chief Rebecca Miller ponders how social media has impacted farmers and influenced the way they network — both positively and negatively.
electric fence

Depending on your unique situation, the benefits of investing in fence may outweigh the benefits of acquiring more machinery for the farm.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt uncovers some relics from her past in an old steamer trunk while cleaning BoyWonder's bedroom.
dirt road

Judith Sutherland recalls climbing into the back window well of the family sedan on car rides to nowhere during her youth.
sweet corn

Just in time for peak sweet corn season, Scott Shalaway digs into the history, biology and many uses of corn.
duck hunting

For those who covet prime spots on state parks and reservoirs, on-site drawings for duck hunting opportunities and season-long blind spots are planned.