Sunday, May 5, 2024

As the simplicity of summertime bows to bus schedules, long days and short nights, it still makes me wistful after all these years.

This summer I saw my first monarch on Aug. 1. Since then, however, I've seen more every day.

Sludge from a mine cleanup spill that turned a Colorado River orange a couple of weeks ago made the EPA a target of criticism...

Joe Leiter's story is another example of how speculators control the prices farmers receive for their products, a practice that continues today -- just ask Marlin Clark.

Perch fishing is not as easy as it sounds.

There is still government assistance to help farmers grow miscanthus.

Little wonder, then, why Big Meat hates the Humane Society; it's shining lights into corners that most in U.S. agriculture, often even USDA, want kept dark.
poor corn 2015

In Ohio, we have the worst combination of grain marketing circumstances this year — a poor crop in a good crop year (for everyone else).
fall bulbs: daffodils, tulips, peonies, irises

Planting spring-flowering bulbs in early fall allows roots adequate time to develop before the ground freezes.

As the U.S. beef herd expands, know your options.