Friday, May 3, 2024

Joe Kaczmarczk turned slightly, hiding his hands, size six fish hook, an unfortunate fat head minnow, a carefully-selected specimen netted from a nearby minnow...

Last year on April 24, I wrote that ruby-throated hummingbirds were back early. This year they are setting new records for returning early. One of...

By Tillie Heavilin, Contributing writer The primary objective of soil and water conservation districts is education for the protection of natural resources. Closely related is the...

Shale signs: What to know when you're contacted to sign an easement agreement with a company granting the right to have a pipeline constructed on part of your land.

Maybe the ag industry needs to listen more and talk less. Maybe we need to bring in more outsiders, and ask them, "what would a customer think about this?" We might have seen the pink slime push-back coming.

Ranchers have a well-earned reputation for speaking plain English plainly. Translation As such, cowboys instantly translate phrases like “government revenue enhancements” and “now pursuing...

To get in shape, or “buff” as the slang term implies is to have good muscle tone, be physically fit, and trim. Well, I’m...

Hello Again!The Farm Service Agency has a guaranteed loan program available to assist farmers and agricultural lenders. Guaranteed loans are made by a commercial...

"If you are willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land" Isa. 1:19.Here is a choice that God gives us. He...

I receive many invitations to speak at dairy conferences across the country. I try to participate in these conferences whenever my schedule allows because...