Sunday, May 19, 2024

Politicians are so good at the muddled math of their budget game that they can turn the equation upside down and make it work in reverse: $1 of budget savings today can be legislated into $2 of tax cuts tomorrow.

Crop progress? Good temperatures now will still give us a normal crop. This will mostly be true for next week, then we go downhill fast.

Those who would decry animal research of any kind are actually hurting future care, health, and treatment of the very animals they proclaim to protect.

It's a great time to think about employee motivation. Dark, rainy, muddy days make for long work days around the farm.

Twas' an hour before the big Easter dinner and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except me as I was finishing...

Seventy years ago, the first of many millions of Jeeps saw the light of day. The origin of the sturdy little vehicles, which were...

With the 2011 grazing season underway I imagine everyone is moving livestock to new paddocks on a regular basis by now. It has been...

In a Jan. 27 conference call with Wall Street analysts, the president and CEO of Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan, the world's leading supplier of potash, couldn't offer "an exact number" where potash prices might nick demand.

FSA would like to remind producers to report prevented, planted or failed crop acreage in a timely manner.

This year, we have seen a tremendous amount of water due to snow melt and several 2- to 4-inch rainfall events.