Saturday, May 18, 2024

If you could save, say, $1,000 on the purchase of a new car or truck because it did not have a shatterproof windshield and side glass, would you cut the deal? Of course not; the safety of you and your family is priceless.

Summer grazing management is generally about slowing paddock rotations and providing the grass plant with an adequate recovery period before another grazing pass is...
pink marshmallow peeps

Easter without Peeps is almost unthinkable. How did they gain such a foothold on things?

Hello again,The Farm Service Agency has a loan program to help rural youth establish and operate income producing agriculture projects. The youth loan program...

As we were celebrating Independence Day, it was not a day to think of what we pay, but what we owe to enjoy the freedoms that we do.

I am rarely at a loss for words. In fact I tend to think — and write — in 800 word increments. But there are times when there simply are no words.
The Whippet automobile

Folks often ask how I think of stuff to write about, and while I sometimes really have to scratch to come up with a subject, especially when a deadline is breathing down my neck, things I see in my travels often trigger a memory that leads to an idea for a story.

All things considered, I think that the moment you are shouting "fire" is not likely to rank among your finest culinary accomplishments. Although you...

Judith Sutherland recounts a recent visit with, Kathy, a neighbor girl from her earliest memories.
cereal rye spray

Glyphosate does what it's supposed to, in a safe and efficient manner.