Tuesday, May 21, 2024

I have a reprint of The Country Gentleman's Catalogue for 1894. Published in England, it was meant not for the English yeoman farmer who actually did the work, but for the "gentlemen" who owned those farms and estates.

There is a good chance that statewide and nationally, soil and water conservation districts can have a closer working relationship with golf courses.
soybean field

Marlin Clark breaks down price changes in this week's grain markets in light of the Ukrainian port of Odessa opening up and a wetter-than-expected July.

Farm and ranch groups are now less social and more tribal. Many have a “we’re-right, you’re-wrong” view of farm and food tech, policy and their customers.

Grain market analysts are not focusing so much on the weather this week but on the generally negative tone of economic projections, both here and in China.

(Authors note: Names and locations have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent and any resemblance to anyone living or annoying is purely coincidental.

The lead story on the front page of the Jan. 30 Wall Street Journal reported "that a 'significant amount'" of an estimated $1.2 billion in customer money that disappeared when investment bank MF Global Holdings Ltd. collapsed "could have 'vaporized' as a result of chaotic trading ... the week before the company's Oct. 31 bankruptcy filing."

My column two weeks ago about Cyclone seeders brought a couple of interesting responses (I love email – it’s so fast and easy to...

On April 28, I attended the Ohio Draft Horse Plowing Contest at Carriage Hill Farm in Huber Heights, Ohio. Carriage Hill Farm is a...
fall field of corn

The fond hope of the Labor Day weekend was that, with an extra day of mystery and no trading, we might see some gains...